Thursday, August 27, 2015

after 2 years

Hai there,

Hoping that I am still have a lot of viewers here after quite some times i did not updating my blog.

Actually nothing much to share but in one fine day I will post some of my experiences through these years.

Whatever it is, keep smiling and viewing my blog and please be yourself as u have been born that way..!!

 L O V E 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Through This Half Year

Hye kengkorg sume..!! hehe.. ttibe terasa mcm nak menaip sesuatu plak so wat the thing that comes to my mind is my blog.. hehe..

kenape ttibe terase mcm nak tulis blog yek..?? hehe.. mybe through this half year ive been experienced something that ive been experienced be4.. Sound so cliche rite but this is wat happen to me rite now..

Selain dari belajar di sekolah, aku pnah masuk blaja di matrik and 2 branch UiTM kat Msia nih and wat i wanna say is aku pnah melalui sesuatu yg same.. phm x? hehe..

ok let me be straight forward ckit laa kenn.. This is about FRIENDS.. hmm.. well.......

bile tyme blaja n kje nih kite akan dapat rmai kawan and sometimes kwn2 baru kite tuh akan replace kwn2 lame kite which yg sdikit demi sdikit melupakan kite..

mybe bcoz of distance, slalu xjmpe, and mcm2 lagi lah kenn..

mybe aku ni plak jnis yg sng kecewe wpon bnde yg simple je.. hmm.. wat i m trying to say is aku ni cepat terase maybe.. hehe..

kadang2 bile kite tengah communicate wit our frens (cthnye mcm msg ke wechat ke wassup ke) and kite dh gtau yg mybe kite akan jumpe laa ken camtu tup2 diam membisu and ttibe dpt tau yg dorg2 ni kluar jgak without ajak kite di akhir2 nk deal tu..

wat do u xpect me to do 'if' i m in this situation?? duk diam? cakap terus terang?

eh eh.... plus with dorg tu xajak korg yg best fren ni but dorg ajak org yg korg tau yg dorg2 nih xske sbnrnye.. (hipokrit laaa mksudnye)

so..?? wat do u xpect?? n not for the 1st tyme but they have been done this be4 for several times and wktu tu mybe dorg ade alasan yg 'mybe' munasabah laaa.. (weeekk..!!)

klu aku kt situasi tu mybe aku akan kecewe and aku hanya boleh diam membisu.. adekah senang utk aku memaafkan..?? aku pon xtau nak ckp.. pndai2 lah korg pkir k..

ade jgak dlu pnah aku xperienced kwan yg kite anggap dorg tuh kitepye personal life punye geng laa ken but they just only think that kite nih hanye kwn yg utk menghabiskan wktu dorg yg bile dorg 'terpikir' tentang kite je..

hehehe.. ape yg aku cube sampaikan nih hanye utk pedoman sume laa.. jgn laa kite asyik nak pkir dri sndri sng but xpnah pkir pasal org len.. aku pon kengkadang tu asyik pentingkan diri sndri je.. haahaha..

cite nih xde kaitan dgn yg idop n yg mati k just for kite punye reference for future laa ken.. nak pilih kwan tu berhati2 laa jgn kite dpt kwan yg hanye kwan utk sementara je k cz frens are for our whole life tyme..

oklahh.. sbnrnye byk lagi nak cite but ni je citer for this time being.. this is bcz i was born this way.. luv yawllssss..!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Youtube New Post - Christina Perri's Days

i dont know how to vlogging so i just sing using youtube laa.. karok2 record n post in my youtube page.. huhu..

here i linked my video... enjoy YAWLLSSS..

This one I sing Jar of  Hearts by Christina Perri.

and this one is Thousand Years also by Christina Perri.

Please send me your comment regarding these 2 videos.. hahahahaha..

dah mcm ape je.. whatever it is sbnrnye dh lme x post kat cni so just post this as my NEW BLOG POST laaa.. hahaha..

Enjoy these and this is because i have been born this way.

luv yaawllss..!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

working & KERJA

one word that I can describe which is OKAY..

hehe.. KERJA wat mse ni best laa n simple jew xde laa tensen sgt but wat can i say that i m enjoy doing it..

ramai yg tanye "xnk cari kje len ke?' hmmm...

actually i dont like that soklan cz for me i need to gain a lot of experiences becoz i m fresh grades ken..

no need to PILIH KERJA cz for me ble msuk je alam KERJA kite jd KOSONG balik mean that we should learn the co's style then later baru boleh nak wat style kite sendri ble kite tau selok belok co tuh.

wat i mean is that bkn BESAR KEPALA tp klu kite boleh ubah sistem yg ade dan lebih easy to use ape salah nye kite wat rite??

paham x..? hahaha.. ape yg aku nk katekan kat cni is kite mmg memerlukan pengalaman utk membolehkan kite go further..

bia lah aku mule dr bwh pon asal kan aku x cultural shock in future with a lot more tougher job coming..

hehehe.. so as my parents say that 'biala dr kerani dlu then nnt mne tau de rzki jd manager plak..' hehehe.. future who will know?? only Allah knows..

so mmg susah lah nak crik kje skunk ni but klu org cam aku ni mungkin ssah jgak laa sbb aku pon memilih jgak kje nih.. hehe..

oleh sebab aku pnah termimpi nak kje cmni so i just grab it.. huhuu..

wpon gaji aku x byk but aku dpt rasekan betape susahnye duit tu nak abih sbb mungkin aku suke kan job nih.. hahaha

aku pnah dgr yg 'if we dont like the job that we r doing now, the allowances that we get will be easily dissapear..'

phm x/..? i mean that klu kte mcm terpakse wt kje tu ke msti ape yg kite dpt dr kje tu xdpt dinikmati.. hahahaha.. phm x..?? lalalala

pham2kan lah k.. huhuhu...

so here i want to highlite 2 things which r:

1. dont be too picky on choosing job, just grab the opportunity
2. i like my job..

hehehe.. so i just wanna share these 1st and others, later k.. hahahhaa 

so how czn i describe myself yek?? hmmm mybe this is me n than n i was born this way..

Saturday, September 22, 2012


hmm... 1st of all i just wanna say halo to all my blogwalker and who willing to read my blog... 

even i have not much followers but i m still feeling great..! hehe.. 

ok let me write as simple as i can for this topic okay..!

i m an outspoken person who will always takes everything for real...

means that wat i've learn is wat i m saying n not make it as secret forever..

maybe secrets are also important to be kept just with who we need to share or just only be in our own mind..

secrets also need to keep the relationship stay longer..

but secret also will ruin the relationship if it is too much..

if the secrets are now leaks, u r in trouble..!

hmmm i m a person who dont like to be a fren of who ever outside there that have secrets just to be my fren..

it is cruel..!

so wat i wanna say that secret can be as sweet as honey n can be bitter as wormwood..

just wanna share n let u readers know this k..!! plz think b4 u do something.. tq..

i m who i m becoz i've been born this way..!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

friendship never end... my batch + laki + housemate

korg jgn laa marah k..!! this is wat i m thinking laaa bout u.. fikir2kan laa spe orgnye k..!

ade sorg ni die baik laaa.. aku kenai die lebih lagi wktu sem8 ritu sbb kitorg stu bilik... die banyak berkongsi msalah ngan aku n most of cite aku pon die tau.. hehe... tp die ni degil ckit laaa..! nape die degil..?? die ni degil sbb x mo dgr nasihat org..!! asyik nk wt ape yg die ske jew..! die nih cpt cair plak tu ngan ayat2 manis org n die ni blur ckit laaa... kdg2 tu lurus bendul ckit..! hehehe.. mungkin empunye diri knai spe die kan.. btw die ni jgak bdk pandai gak laa... cume die ni lampi ckit laa... lembab pon ade jgak.. byk gak aku tau tntg die ni lg stu die ni cpt nangis klu ngan aku..! hahhaa.. wktu besday die, die nangis plak..!! hahaha... klaka..!! pastu die ni jgak pnah aku pakse kua smpai nangis ye r wat ive said is true..!! byak lg tentang ko but it is ur personal life n ade jgak aku x tau.. ye r it is personal kann..! i respect ur privacy..! thx 2 percye aku tau dgn segale ape yg tlh kite kongsi hope ape yg boleh kite simpan kite simpan n klu ade yg leh kite kongsi sbg pengajaran its ok jew..
  • next is about sorg budak yg jauh dr jengke..!! die ni sgt2 jauh penenpatannye dr org len..!! hehe.. die ni sgt2 baik..!! satu aku ske ngan die ni die x pnah kesah dgn ape pon..!! xtau laa sbnrnye camne kann..!! hehe.. ni ape yg aku nmpk  jew laaa.. pasal duit ke psal marah ke die ni x pnah berkire ke x pnah terase..!! mungkin pengalaman mengajar die kowt.. wpon die ni paling mude antara kami sume, die pon sgt matured maybe in certain situation laaa...!! hehee... die nih slalu jd mangse aku utk g makan..!! hehe.. pnah laa die g mkn x ajak aku mmg aku merajuk laaa cz xde spe lg nk g mkn ngan aku..!! hehehe.. ayat die yg paling klaka dlm msg amanat die ritu "thx cz sggup kwn ngan aku yg gemok ni"..!! hehee... sgt klaka k... aku ni plak x pnah berkire nk kwn ngan spe pon asal kan die nak kawan ngan aku yg gedik ni haaa...!!  aku mybe x byk tau tentang ko nye personal life but thx for sharing wat have u shared to me before..! hehe.. nevertheless, hope ull be successful in ur future life and jgn terlalu merendah diri cz kite xkan ke mne n uve prove to me that u r good in being melawan org..!! loike sme ngan org no1 kat atas..!! ok yek i ll be missing u so much..!
  • spe lagi yekk..?? hehehe.. haaa bdk yg duk paling dekat ngan tempat belajar kami..!! kalu aku jd die aku duk umah jer berulag alik dr umah ke uitm tuh.. but bcoz he wanna make a friends so die pon x wat mcm mne aku pkir kan..!! hahaha... baru2 ni kitorg de gduh ckit laa bkn ape cume bercanggah pendapat jew..!! aku tertouching plak ritu cz die de marah aku padehal die spatutnye marah sume org tp aku yg kne sbb aku tgh kacu die..!! mungkin salah aku laa ske mangganggu die but pd wktu tu die marah ngan sume org tp npe aku je yg kne..?? hehehe... die ni ponn bek jgak tp kedekut..!! jarang die ajak mkn mkanan die..! hehehe... alah just a joke k..! pastu skunk ni die dah berpunye dah.. hehe.. congrates my fren..! ppe pon hope u will be berpanjangan laa klu btoi ko ngan die k..!! u should know that i m always remember u for ever k.. ye r die kan bdk macho..!! (perasan).. de stu aritu die ajak aku bli jam die.. hehehe.. bkn men lg aku tukang jage duit die n mangis die tgk duit die..1! wahaha.. nasib laa aku ni xjnis camtu.. lalala.. ppepon hope that ull find ur own good lifestyle n gud luck for everything..
  • lagi..??! hmmm haaaaa..!! die ni bdk paling kecik skali n org panggil raja collagen.. hehehe.. aku pon x reti pkai mnde tu tp die tau..!! hahaha.. die ni pnah jd rumate aku n die ni sgt memahami aku..! bkn aku je but sume org.. maybe die ni nmpak je kcik but for me he is the matured one..! hehehe.. yekew?? lalala... asyik2 pasal politik laaa current issues laaa... bgus laa die nih byak pengetahuan awam..! huhu.. awek die pon jauh kannn so cian laa si die tuh..! huhu.. bgus gak laa die nih cz dlu pnah die ckp nak stdy awal laa pe laa but he shows to me that he is gud in reading..! hhehe.. haa lg stu  die ni mmg faham sgt aku ni sbg rumate die dlu die tau wktu aku nk tdo laa, klu aku kol ngan famili aku cmne.. hehe.. ye r rumate sorg je so tau laa perangai masing2 kenn..!! de dtg umah die wktu rye dlu..!! wo0w..!! umah sgt besa okay n x pnah nak mencanang kat org..!! sangat merendah diri okay..!! luv ur style lahh..!! hehe.. mmg aku pon x bape tau psal personal life ko but i know u as what i know u laa.. i like the way u r n u will have a bright future baby..!! hehe.. 
  • haa another one..!! budak cine..! hehe.. i like his style n boleh laa bg aku nk ckp die nih one of stylish fren that i had terutamenye rmbutnyew.. wpon die nih simple but die ni pon tau mcm2 pengaetahuan awam.. kalah aku yg kosong ni haa..!! kite penah wat persembahan nyanyian sme die men gitar n aku nangis..!! wahaha.. die marah aku atas pentas tu.. "nangis plak die nih!!" hehehe.. die ni laaa kaki aku jgak selama aku kat jengke ni n klu x de die x ke klas laa aku ni haaa...!! hehehe.. thx laa bg aku tumpang ko smpai ke part 8 rituh.. hehehe.. we had our interview together baru2 ni n awek die nih pon rpat gak ngan aku.. hehehe.. bising mulutnyew..!! huhu.. hope korg akan sampai ke jinjang pelamin laa k..!! hehe.. die ni jgak kurang makn part8 ritu smpai die nih dah mcm org sakit dah aku tgk..! aku slalu panggil die org sakit.. last2 die mkan byak dah..!! haa tau pon takut,..!! hhehe.. then ape lg yekk...?? haa die ni one of the bdk laki yg pandai gak laaa... asyik die je dpt markah tggi kdg2 tu sakit ati jgak but wat to do is just be strong n nk jgak lawan die.. hehhee.. paling pelik wktu part8 tuh ntah npe prangai die ni len macam je aku tgk but yeahh laki laa kate kan mybe about ego..!! hehe.. ppepon great to be ur frens n think first before u wanna do something k..! hehe
  • spe lagi yekk..?? haaaa org jual lombu..!! hehehe.. knai kannn..??!!! paling hot kowt..!! lalala.. die ni ske ckp i u i u but wat to do just layan kan jew.. aku rse die nih lg gdik dr aku rsenye..! hahaha.. siap ajak aku kje ngan die lg jage lembu die..!! hehehe.. aku on je jgn lpe ajak aku lg k..!! hahaha.. baik sgt die nih sbnrnye..!! aku slalu je marah die but die nih kool jew..!! bgus laa... soru=i laa klu terase but aku ni mmg ske ggu ko..!! lalala.. die ni pon slalu viberkan diri ngan aku wpon kat umah..!! hahaha.. sengal kenn..!! slalu gak blanje kitorg makan laa pe laa.. x pnah kedekut duit ble die byk duit but ble die x de duit die bgtau laaa n die pon pinjam duit org n die ni byr balik laaa... hehehe.. bgus2..!! die ni pon ske membace n his english is better than me.. hehehe.. bgus laaa die ni pon byak tau psal pengetahuan awam n psal kete..!! lalala.. asyik nk jual kete je laa kje die nih..!! hehhee.. ape2 pon ur differences make me easy to differ u n anybody else.. thx laa sudi kwn nagn aku..!! hehehe...
  • haaa lastly bdk uitm aku dlu wktu dip..!! hehe.. die nih sorg yg beso..!! sgt beso..!! hehhee.. duk satu bilik ngan aku jgak part8 tuh.. nk dibanding kan die ngan aku, aku rse aku mkn lagi byk dr die..!! hehehe.. mmg x byk aku tau sgt pasal die nih cz mmg ktorg pon mmg x rapat wktu dip dlu..! ade satu bnde aku nk disclose kat bdk ni kat cni ialah sori to say that jgn lah terlalu riak ngan ape yg kite ade..! mungkin kite x perasan ape yg kite ckp but think first wat to say n jgn smpai org ckp yg kite ni riak..! hmm sori laa this is wat i think laa.. die ni jgak slalu kne marah ngan aku pert8 ritu..!! ala sje2 jew kann..!! nk mengusik sume org laa katekan..!! die ni pon kaki aku kat jengke tu part8 tuh..!! hehehe.. thx laa bg pinjam kete ke pe ke k..!! dah excident 2 kali so len kali hati2 laaa memendu dijalan rye k..!! nmpak gak improvement die wktu part8 tuh..!! bgus2.. n ape yg boleh aku kate kan ngan die ni ialah aku x tau samade ko ni tau x ape yg ko ckp kan tu but plz take this note as ur good critics.. mind ur word k.. klu ko nk tau stat dr ko jwb soklan "how do u find jengka?" tu pon dah ade byk pengkritik.. hmm.. sori 4 being too clear bout this k.. ppepon nice to meet u n be more close to u when we r in jengka..!
so to all of my fren jgn anggap ini sires k just wat i m thinking bout uollss laa... klu de bende yg leh diperbaiki tu kite baiki laa n klu itu kenangan kite, keep it in ur heart k..!! i luv uollss n i will continue remembering uolls as my frens forever n ever..!! sori n thx for everything tau.. luv yawlss soooo muchhhh...!! mmmuuuaaaahhhhh....... thx for being my best fren n accept me as who m i n i m born this way..!!


hai kengkawan.. arini ari khamis 19th july 2012 n i had my interview session for the 2nd time at the 2nd company... fuhh sgt mendebarkan.. debar keww..?? hehe.. actually xde laa debar sgt cume nak jwb ape yg ditye tu je yg membuatkan aku demam panas.. hehe.. simple je soklan die bagi but ye r org yg x fluent english ni mybe berterabur gak laaa.. hehe.. 

1st day ritu company investment n offer a very good salary but tkot laa investment bagai nih.. hehehe.. next week ade training die seminggu but xtntu lg aku dpt.. xtau nk g ke x.. sok i should give the answer either i wanna go for it or not.. hmmm scary yawllss.. then td company sales plak.. bgus sgt dorg convinced aku td but i dont feel that these 2 different company will giving me a better future not bcoz i m the bachelor in accounting  holder but becoz i dont feel that it is me.. hehehe.. 

<1stday - tuesday 17july2012 - financial investment executive>

memilih sgt but yeah aku xnak tersilap pilih kerje cz nnt aku x wat kerje tu leklok plak.. hmm.. tkotnye ngan reality..!!! so sok aku kne bg kedue2 company ni kputusan either aku nk or x nk n give some reasons for it.. scary nye..  so now i got it that be4 we want to get hired with some company in certain position, we should know the responsibility n job description 1st not just simply apply for the job k.. these are the tips that i m giving 2 all of candidates out there.. hehe.. 

soklan yg selalu di tnye explain urself and about ur family, what do u know about our company? y r u interested to involve in this company? how much ur expected salary? ur weakness n strength.. what is ur goal? haaaa.. ni diantarenye laaa... fikir2kan laaa k.. byak ape yg blaja kat program di sediakan di UiTM dlu include in this situations.. so take my advice yew n do make some research before come for the interview session.. 

<2nd day - thursday 19july2012 - corporate sales executive>

lastly keep ur resume updated n ur certificate.. jgn dtg lmbt for the interview k.. just enjoy the interview n u can give a good answers for every questions given.. dadaa..!! be ur self n ive been my self as i have been born this way.. 

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