Wednesday, July 18, 2012

last semester n perpisahan...

hai my lovely friendsss...!!! i luv uollss sgt2.. lame dah x update blog ni n pe yg leh aku wat skank ni ialah update blog with sad story..


so first of all i wanna share with all of my Jengka UiTM's friends about my last semester's sadness story.. it was our last semester where kite akan ade byk kenangan manis bersama terutamanye program2 yg sepatut nye kite anjurkan dgn penuh appreciation from others and xdpt dilupakan.. but what happened..?? yang paling besar pd ketike itu ialah dinner laa kenn... kite penganjur dinner and byak dah kite wat sbnrnye cume perancangan yg x brape tepat mungkin penyebabnye... perancangan yg rapi perlu dilakukan tanpe mengambil sume bande sambil lewe... 

kerje kite kne kite yg rancang n tanggung segala ape kemungkinan yg akan berlaku.. so mungkin kesedaran seperti ni perlu ade ketike itu.. ini aku mengatakan kpd diri aku sendiri lahh n aku tgk certain biro had done their best on contributing their ideas in the events... congrates yawllsss..!! if we can turn back time........ <-- this is the ape yg akan kite pikirkan ketike ini.. but wat to do Allah lah penentu segale2 nyew... 

ape2 pon aku mmg mintak maap jikalau ketika itu aku x memberikan sepenuh commitment utk menerajui dinner... bagus laa x de post mortem sbb mungkin akan ade pergaduhan yg sgt2 besar..!! thats what i think laa kennn.. hhehe... aku aritu 1st time tdo lmbat okay... sgt lambat kol 6 g solat dlu pstu tdo kjap je.. kul 7 cm tu dah nk kne grak dah.. oh my..!! ni sume ape yg aku tau laaa... yg len sebaliknye aku x tau k.. hehe.. ape2 pon sori laaa k kengkawan sume n mungkin itu kenangan pahit kite di Jengkalifornia maybe.! hehehe.. 

tapi keesokkan harinye, boleh nak dikate kan sedikit enjoy laaa.. hehehe.. famili day kite ritu kan org len handle so kite x yah nak pkir pew just follow the flow jew.. then, most of student on that day sume besh2 n sume otak mmg nak seronok... junior pon sporting sgt and also thx to BAEM our part 7 on that time dtg jugak bg smangat kt kitorg n siap men baling2 tepong laa.. thx cz make us happy..!!

<all in one in dinner>

<wpon x mng KING aku ttap maintain>

<family day wit DAUS n BAEM at the back>

ok next we have program bersama ketua program Dr Halil Paino.. aritu pon kite sebagai part8 ketika itu patut berbangge dgn kehadiran sgt memuaskan and also kite laa part yg paling awal skali dtg rite..?!! hahaha.. sori part2 len sepe suh lmbat.. lalalala.. sgt besh ye ketike itu.. program tu mmg awal lg dr dinner n kite lari2 dlm utan Jengkalifornia yg aku x pnah terokai sblm ni.. hahaha... xbyk boleh diceritekan sbb program ini merupakan program yg terawal fakulti kite anjurkan.. ehehehe... sume masih xpkir ape2 lagi what to think is just happy jew.. tol kennn..!!! tp b4 that day kite kne marah ngan Dr Halil rite psal lmbt dtg tu hahahahahha.. klaka laa Dr Halil ni comei plak ble ngajok.. hehehehe...

<ade gmba yg x de tp uolls ttap ade bersama kami dictu..>

next is about the program yg accounting quiz tu... wpon yg xmsuk tu rmai tp mmg meriah sgt ritu rite.. mmg aku pon sokong gle2 laaa... yg masuk NAJIB SHIQIN FIZAH POEI KETAT NONI JAJA HAFIZ.. tu je ken yg msuk but sgt meriah penyokong2 nyew.. tp ade je mulut longkang kat belakang tu mengate part kitorg ni.. awok tu baru setahun jagung kat Jengkalifornia tu xyoh nk ngarut sgt looo..!! hahaha.. ppepon itu manjadi pembakar semangat kami sbgai pemberi semangat kat peserte sume.. hehehe,.. for me all of yg msuk ritu yawlls laa pemenang tau..!! hehehe..!!

<sori kpd peserte gmba anda tiada tp de gmba part len plak..!! hahaha>

next is about the mini innovation show.. wahahaha.. Puan Laila yg sgt menakut kan kennn..!! btw she is sgt bek sbnrnye.. mmg die byak bagi kite assgnment n mcm2 lagi kne buat but sbnrnye byak kebaikan ataupon +ve nye kat ctu.. huhu.. yes ngan 2 subjek beliau ajar kite but she still strong until she felt very sick at one time.. hmm.. cian die.. n she had done her very best in mini innovation show ritu.. 

mmg besh jgak ritu wpon group aku byk konflik but we act as professional.. hehe,.. sgt besh sume pye product wpon kite byk assgnmnt kite still boleh wat yg terbek utk mini innovation tu rite.. Puan Laila nangis ble bagi ucapan yg die x sangke kite bagi spuh komitmen utk program die..!! hehe.. terpakse puan....... hehehhee.. haa x dilupakan jgak aku wat persembahan ritu nangis plak aku ken.. sires x tahan sebak.. dr majlis tu ckit lagi nak abih aku dh dpt rsekan ksdihan itu.. wahahaha.. 

and that day jgak besday ANEM.. ehehe,. besh laa die dpt hadiah nyanyian wpon x sbrape, hope she happy.. sori laa ANEM klu kite pnah gdoh dlu but now i m okay kite 0 - 0 k..!! hehehe...

<we and our product in mini innovation show>

lastly nk ckp pasal final exam kite baru2 ni... insyaAllah marilah kite bersama2 mendoakan kejayaan masing2 supaya sume lepas insyaAllah... aminn.. dgn izin dr Nya insyaAllah sume nye x mustahil.. mmg paper final sem ni sgt mencabar especially dr segi psychological..!! hehe.. x tau nk ckp senang or susah cz most of the final papers are unpredictable... mybe senang utk sesetengah org but mybe ssah bg certain plak but for me i have no feel... hehehe.. takot laaaa... mmm.. insyaAllah ade rezki ade lah.. huhu.. 

after je final paper ritu aku terus je nak balik cz hati aku sbnrnye sgt fragile ketike itu.. sdih sgt2 kang aku nangis bagai spe nak pujuk ken so better for me to run away from others n balik cpt2.. nsib my parents dh smpai ktike itu kat Jengkelifornia tuh.. hehehe... cume aku x dpt lari dr kengkwn yg satu rumah ngan aku laaa.. huhu... dorg sgt2 bek n termsuklah junior yg dtg aritu.. yess wpon dorg nk g jmpe awek dorg je sbnrnye but in the same time i know that they will be missing us as their senior yg kamceng laaaa.. hehehe.. thx 4 everything to all my juniors yg dtg k.. 

kalu korg nk tau aku mmg kne bz kan diri aku utk x menangis tau.. klu korg prasan aku je nk angkat barang aku sendiri supaye aku x nangis.. wahahah.. ngade kan.. so ble aku dah letih tu, x lah aku nangis.. hehehe... bla bla bla aku pon dah nk kne pulang.. 1st person without crying okay.. hahahha.. xpe korg sume tau kan ati aku camne ketike itu wpon nmpak je gigih but sbnrnye kuyu layu hati aku ketike itu... 

thx sgt2 jgak cz bg aku peluang jd kengkwn korg k,.. x sangke laa aku ni leh diterime oleh korg2 sume dgn perangai aku suke mengusik laa mengade2 laa gedik laaa but yawll still stay with me until the end of our day in Jengkalifornia aritu.. sgt dey ble diigtkan pengalaman kite bersama.. 

ok lah smpai dicni shje lah boleh aku kongsikan bersama uollss tentang diri aku n pengalaman aku kat Jengkalifornia itu di saat perpisahan kite semua.. hope ble jumpe jgn x tegur plak klu x tegur mmg aku lempang kat tmpat tu jgak tau.. hehehe... sori  n tq for everything n nntkan next blog entry aku psal my homemate (my batch jew)... hheeehe..aku mendoakan kebahagiaan n korg2 sume berjaya in ur own future k... be as what u r not somebody else thought u to do so.. I LOVE U ALL k..!!! 

<perpisahan di antara kite>

<sahabat ko lah yg terbek>


Ain Rauf said...


NaziE GoLd said...

Hehehe.. Tq

Firdaus Khalid said...

touhing lak bc...hahha

NaziE GoLd said...

Hahaha.. Ko ble x touching..!!!

Unknown said...

Hi...i'm coming...ok... 0-0 ok.. Sorry jugak..hehe

NaziE GoLd said...


NaziE GoLd said...


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